Tuesday, December 4, 2007

"The Golden Compass" or "The Backslidden Christian"?

Hello readers. I have been receiving emails, notices, warnings, and having conversations about the movie “The Golden Compass”. The movie, and the author of the books attempt to kill God within its plot. Many Christians are in an uproar about such an abomination, and rightly so. Such trash should not be allowed to litter the televisions of our home. Movies like these are made primarily to tear down the faith of children, and further stupefy the minds of adults. First off, let me say that God is not afraid of this movie. Secondly, God is sitting in heaven laughing at these pagans in their attempt to work against Him. God is not shocked, perplexed, or even troubled at their sin. As a matter of fact, it was Jesus Christ that took their sin, and yours and placed it upon Himself. He became sin for mankind, so that through Him, we would have the opportunity to be saved from our sin. Pray for them, and let God deal with the condemning part.

I am hearing words like, “Take a stand”, “Raise our voices against”, “Boycott this film”. Folks, the real problem here is not the movie. The problem is not the fact that America participates in Abortion, Homosexuality, Pornography, Drugs, Drunk Driving, Domestic Violence, etc. You could take away the movie, and all these issues I have listed, but it would not change anything about the state of our country.

Let me ask you a question, are you born again? Yes? Well then the problem with this country is you! It is me! While we sit back shaking our heads at the issues going on in our country, we are truly unconcerned. A bunch of hypocrites is what we are. If we were truly concerned, we would be “Taking A Stand” against the sin in our own lives! Before we can get the sin out of the White House, we must get the sin out of the Church House! Before we get the sin out of the movie industry, we must get the sin out of the church ministry! If we were to get right with God ourselves, the rest of these issues would begin to go away. Christians today are spoiled rotten with the things of this world. We sit in our big spacious homes, drive our luxury cars, sip our Coca-Cola, take our “Deserved” vacations, throw in our 10% to the church, show up at church once a week, and we think that we are doing God a favor! This, my friends, is the problem. We as a church need to get right with God. Throw away our “perversions” and start teaching from the King James Bible again. Take the booze out of the home, and replace it with prayer. Take the cursing out of our mouths, and replace it with praise. Take the sin from our lives, and replace it with holiness!

Ultimately, the movies in Hollywood will continue to get worse, more and more smut will continue to be released, and attempts to destroy our faith will become more common. You want to change your country? We need to have a change made in us first. Give up your sins, repent, ask for God’s forgiveness, start praying, praising, and giving… then you will be able to make a difference in your country. The word is Revival, and our churches, and Pastors desperately need it today.

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