Below is a sermon on Eternal Security that I preached at the state prison in Nashville, and also for the youth program at church, in which I am the youth minister, in TN. Please read it, and study it out for yourself.
“Eternal Security”
Instructor: Bro. Michael McDowell
I. Eternal Security
A. Will God, or Another Person Take Me Out of God’s Family?
· Jesus Christ promises that He will never cast you out. (John 6:37)
· God is greater than all men, and He promises no man can take you out. (John 10:27-29)
Instructor: Bro. Michael McDowell
I. Eternal Security
A. Will God, or Another Person Take Me Out of God’s Family?
· Jesus Christ promises that He will never cast you out. (John 6:37)
· God is greater than all men, and He promises no man can take you out. (John 10:27-29)
B. Can I Take Myself Out of God’s Family?
· Salvation is a gift, by grace, and through faith. It is not of works, so in this case it is impossible to earn it yourself, and also to lose it yourself. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
· If salvation were earned and kept by our merits, we would easily lose it. It is Jesus Christ who keeps us saved, not we ourselves. (Galatians 3:10, James 2:10, and II Timothy 1:12)
· If we could keep ourselves saved or unsaved by our works of righteousness, then the death of Christ would have been in vain. (Galatians 2:21)
C. Is There Anything That Can Take Me Out of God’s Family?
· Absolutely nothing can remove you from God’s Family. (Romans 8:38-39)
· Death (can’t lose it when you die), Life (You can’t lose it while you are alive), Angels (Can’t take it from you), Principalities (Government can take it from you), Powers (Satan can’t take it from you), Things present and things to come (Nothing in past or future can take it from you), Height/Depth (Nothing above or below you can take it).
· Like your physical birth, your spiritual birth has taken place. Nobody can be unborn, once they have been born. Your spiritual birth has been sealed by God. (Ephesians 1:13, 4:30, John 1:12-13)
II. Basic Questions
A. How Can I Know I Am Saved?
· You can know for sure. (I John 5:13)
· You can know because of your new family, new growth spiritually, and God’s Presence.
B. What If I Don’t Feel Saved?
· Salvation is not based on our feelings. It is based upon truth, and Bible.
· God is greater than our heart’s feelings. (I John 3:20)
· God can not lie about His promise of securing the believer. (Titus 1:2)
· Just believe what God said! (I John 2:25)
After studying this sermon out, and reading the scriptures (King James Only), it should be very clear that our salvation is kept, and made secure by Jesus Christ. Salvation is a spiritual birth, and you can only be born again one time, just like you can only be born physically one time. Your biological father will always be your father, no matter what you say or do. You can't change that! Once you are born again spiritually, you are born again... not born again, again, again, again, etc. Understand, Salvation is a gift and not something we can earn or keep ourselves. Thank God I can't keep or earn my salvation by my works, because the Bible says my righteousness (works) are as filthy rags.
Let me add to this by saying that there are those who may at one time had some type of emotional experience, or prayed a prayer, or went to the alter that never truly were born again. This case would be evident by their constant disobedience, and years of backslidding. I personally believe that people who are in this state seriously need to make sure that the commitment they made to God years ago was real. These people are the cause that bring reproach to the doctrine of eternal security, and causes it to lose credibility to the lost, and those who are "saved by grease" (slip in and out of salvation) not grace. I am here to issue a very stern warning to you. If you are living like hell, and in disobedience to God's Word, you had better get it right! If you confess to being born again, and have been in sin for years, you had better make sure you are saved. The Bible says God deals with His children as a Father, and if you are not being convicted of sin in your life, WARNING! WARNING! You may not belong to Him! Don't stand before God and say "Lord, Lord, I made some type of profession, look what I did, what I said..." He will say, "depart from me ye that work inquity, I never knew you."
Yes, you can know for sure you are saved (I John 5:13), but a Child of God is easily seen by the fruit that they bear, and the way that they live. Faith without works is dead my friend.
Michael McDowell
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